Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Solution To Poverty In Slums Needs To Be Rapidly Replicated

    In South Africa, the extreme gap between rich and poor is the root cause of cyclical poverty, and those living in slums face particularly high barriers to education, healthcare, and quality of life. The Ubuntu Education Fund is using a comprehensive approach that includes sustainable investment in community leadership and infrastructure, a cradle-to-career household stability service, and a dexterous, community oriented approach to helping break the cycle of poverty.

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  • For Goldman, Success in Social Impact Bond That Aids Schoolchildren

    In Utah, Goldman Sachs funded the education of preschoolers and was reimbursed by the state once it was shown that the kids would not need special education. Social impact investments, like this one in Utah, can help social programs in the U.S. which are often affected by government cuts.

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  • For Students With a Mission, a Little Capital Goes a Long Way

    At a time when university students lack opportunities and financial help to test their innovative business ideas, the Resolution Project supports higher education students who have ideas for socially responsible businesses and charities. Resolution offers small awards to start businesses as well as mentor opportunities that enable networking and business collaboration with experts.

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  • Punished for Being Poor

    When paying bail isn't a realistic ask of a defendant, many times the person will plead guilty to avoid jail time even if it means having a record. To solve the problem of the poor being unfairly punished by small crimes through the setting of a bail amount they can't make, The Bronx Freedom Fund offers charitable bail funds to those with a bail under $2,000.

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  • Micro-insurance offers poor families in poorer countries protection from destitution

    All across Asia there is a growing market for micro-insurance, or targeted insurance policies that provide benefits to the poorest individuals and families. As of 2012, over 170 million people in Asia were using some form of micro-insurance, but there is so much more room to grow. Successful programs in India, the Philippines, Bangladesh, and other Asian countries are providing health, life, and accident insurance.

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  • The Town That Decided to Send All Its Kids to College

    College was never much of an option for most students in this tiny town of 1,200 located in the woods of the Manistee National Forest. But residents of Baldwin, Michigan, pooled together their money to provide scholarships for everyone, and it changed the town profoundly.

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  • What Do the Poor Need? Try Asking Them

    Neighborhood Centers, a Houston anti-poverty program has a simple philosophy: “The people are the asset, the source of potential solutions, not the problem.” The non-profit has scaled nationally, employing its bottom-up approach to disburse funds in poor communities.

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  • Sarasota: A glimpse into American poverty's future

    In Sarasota, Florida, residents invested in change contend that for the poor to move beyond survival mode and break a multi-generational cycle, they need a wraparound strategy, rather than one-off or isolated services. The community is slowly growing programs like the Gulf Coast Community Foundation, which helps to fund and support comprehensive programs that build sustainable change. This article explores solutions being pursued by the county from job training for adults to after school support for students.

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  • Poverty solutions that actually work

    Researchers from Yale and MIT conducted a poverty study across various countries and found that aid can relieve poverty if it is comprehensive and gives people a productive asset.

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  • Cleveland Wants to Make Sure the Next Wright Brothers Come From the Rust Belt

    Northeast Ohio and other former industrial regions are finding a new way to bounce back: investing in hardware startup companies. Technologies from improved 3D printers to tools for livestreaming to aerospace applications are showing that not all investment dollars need to go to Silicon Valley software companies. In fact, cities like Cleveland and Pittsburgh can play on their strengths in manufacturing and are seeing that investment dollars are more likely to flow to hardware companies.

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