Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Want To Serve The World's Poorest Citizens? Take Your Company Public In India

    There is a substantial argument for increased involvement of private companies in venture philanthropy. Unlike large government bodies and NGOs, private companies are more nimble and experienced when it comes to strategies in marketing, R&D, creating pricing structures, and adapting to rapid social change. Three companies in India are seeing real results by serving India's poorest customers with a market-based approach.

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  • Inside Colombia's City of Women

    La Ciudad de Las Mujeres or the City of Women was built by displaced women in Colombia. They are the survivors of violence from the Colombian war. “Today the neighbourhood has its own infrastructure, housing almost 500 people with a school, all built by the women.” The organization has also established a credit fund for micro-enterprises, a brick factory, a community restaurant, and a childcare center.

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  • What's deadly dull and can save the world? (Hint: We can't stand it)

    A lack of bureaucratic services has kept people in poverty around the world by limiting the number of documents attainable by citizens who have a low-income, verifying proof of property ownership. "Capacity building" in the form of sending "tax inspectors without borders," book-keeping classes, and expanding bureaucratic services for places in need, allow people to make investments in their properties that can lift them above the poverty line.

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  • Two words for Hillary if she wants to connect with the financially struggling: “Postal banking”

    Postal banking used to be the norm in the United States, just as it is throughout Europe, helping poor and immigrant families save money, transfer funds, and even get small loans. The model is ripe for a comeback. Today, check cashers and payday lenders slap big fees on services that could easily be provided - without a profit-seeking motive - through the postal system infrastructure.

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  • An Investment Strategy to Save the Planet

    In light of climate change, New York State's Common Retirement Fund, the country's third-largest pension fund, decided to invest in a way that rewards companies with low carbon footprints.

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  • This bank hired its first female employee, and now women line up to open accounts

    Across India, only 43 percent of women have bank accounts, and most women do not save money at formal financial institutions, according to a recent World Bank study. But that’s slowly starting to change as banks themselves realize what an untapped market they have around them—even sometimes hiring women.

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  • Microloans Don't Solve Poverty

    The research on microfinance suggests that it might neither help nor hurt poor communities, although a major financing organization argues that the researchers employed the wrong approach to measuring impact.

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  • The Story Behind the First-Ever Life Insurance Coverage for People With HIV

    Up until 2015, people living with HIV in the U.S. could not buy term life insurance, outside of a few small-value employer policies. Æqualis, a new company in partnership with Prudential Financial, began offering 10- and 15-year life insurance policies to individual consumers to help them and to reduce stigmas surrounding the disease.

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  • The Solar Company Making a Profit on Poor Africans

    Since its commercial launch in 2012, M-Kopa has grown to exceed expectations for its revenue--now making more than $12 million a year. The company does this all while expanding access to affordable technology to the poorest rural population in Kenya, as well as providing them with credit and promoting green practices.

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  • Housing deals boost Midtown's revival in Detroit

    Five years ago, Detroit created a program called Live Midtown to encourage business growth and homeownership in the area. The aim of bringing more people to live in the neighborhood has been exceedingly successful, and data shows a racially and economically diverse group of people have moved to Midtown. The funders of housing incentives now need to decide whether they will continue to fund the program.

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