Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Why Fight Poverty When You Can End It? Padua Project Calls The Nonprofit Bluff

    For five decades, tens of thousands of people have fought poverty. Trillions of dollars have been spent, but poverty is a stubborn enemy. In the second part of a five-part series, WAMU’s Kavitha Cardoza tells us about one innovative program in Fort Worth, Texas, that may have cracked the code.

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  • New federal rules are aiming to crush payday lenders. But is it enough?

    Earlier this month, the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) proposed new rules to regulate payday lending – the business of offering high-cost short-term loans to Americans on terms that many consumer advocates consider predatory.

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  • In Saudi Arabia, a Rare Tax on Wealthy Landowners

    A severe lack of affordable housing in Saudi Arabia has spurred the government to impose a tax on what has traditionally been a virtually tax-free society. However, they aim to tax only the wealthy owners of undeveloped land.

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  • A radical approach to gun crime: paying people not to kill each other

    Richmond, California’s Office of Neighborhood Safety uses controversial monthly cash stipends among the incentives it gives to young men it’s trying to steer away from street violence. While the program's first years were associated with steep drops in shootings and homicides, critics question whether ONS deserves the credit and whether it can be replicated in other cities. A deep look at how it works finds evidence that it does make a positive difference while operating in a complex arena of advances and setbacks.

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  • Providing a jolt of support to power the minigrid market

    Minigrids, renewable energy-based electricity generators that serve a set of consumers, are a part of India's plan to provide universal energy access to all - their government, as well as that of the United States, is providing the funds to make it happen.

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  • Building Family Assets

    To improve financial literacy and knowledge around child development, Prosperity Works – a program in New Mexico – is offering classes focused on these issues to parents. This program offers the foundational education necessary to open a bank account and use Individual Development Accounts to save funds for housing or educational needs.

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  • Can cutting down trees protect New Mexico's water?

    New Mexico adapts an innovative forestry idea from Quito, Ecuador, to prevent unpredictable and untamable forest fires. The application of this idea, called the Rio Grande Water Fund, raises money around the Rio Grande valley to pay for the thinning of overgrown forests on private and public lands. When trees are thinned out in dense areas, it's more difficult for fires to jump from the ground to the tree tops, which inhibits the rapid spreading of flames we've seen in recent years.

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  • Chicken farming brightens future for Haitians

    Middle Tennessee nonprofit KORE Foundation is combating poverty in rural Haiti with the help of chickens.

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  • Loans for Low-Income Homeowners: Darrell Clarke's Plan for Philly

    Detroit offers a model for providing residents with no-interest loans to perform upkeep on their houses, thereby working to stimulate the local construction economy and improve quality of life.

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  • The Poverty Puzzle

    Chattanooga, once called the dirtiest city in America, was later dubbed a Tornado of Innovation by former U.S. President Barack Obama. Now, the city is hub for the tech industry. Despite its rag to riches story, the city’s gap between the rich and the poor has increased dramatically over the past ten years. 1 in four people live in poverty. Nonprofits and activists have been helping, but they need city leaders and elites to listen before it's too late.

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