Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Is farming a public service?

    To develop the next generation of producers, the Young Farmers Coalition non-profit is now pushing Congress and individual state legislatures to take a big step: forgiving farmers’ student loans.

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  • Banking on Justice

    In the poorest region of the nation’s poorest state, a tiny government program keeps money flowing through mom-and-pop financial institutions in the Mississippi Delta.

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  • Pulling Hispanic Immigrants Out of the World of Check Cash Stores

    Although the Hispanic population accounts for about 20% of the U.S. population, many of those communities are still under- or un-banked. To overcome this issue, local credit unions are adapting the way they are reaching this population by using more word of mouth and leveraging local organizations which have gained Hispanic trust, as well as using identification information this population can provide.

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  • A Toll-free Number Helps Villagers Live With Animals

    By calling a toll-free number, villagers in India can receive help for filing claims after human-animal conflicts like an elephant stomping on their crops or a tiger killing cattle. The service, known as Wild Seve, operates in 284 villages where a field agent arrives to take photos of the damage and file documentation to the government so residents can receive compensation. Field agents have helped file claims for more than 3,000 incidents. The hope is that residents can receive compensation for their losses quickly and, hopefully, are less likely to harm the animals.

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  • What will the evidence say about a universal basic income?

    GiveDirectly is launching this basic income pilot with more than 6,000 Kenyan households for the next 10 to 15 years, building on its experience with unconditional cash transfers and randomized control trials in Kenya and Uganda.

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  • America Can Fix Its Student Loan Crisis. Just Ask Australia.

    Around the world, students borrow money to pay for college, but, in the United States, students are more likely to fall behind on loans. Australia may offer some lessons: borrowers in Australia only start paying back their loans once their earnings reach $40,000, and beyond that they pay four percent of their income until the loans are repaid. The system does not penalize borrowers when they face economic hardship.

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  • Can You Make Bankers Behave Better?

    What if you could figure out a way to nudge bankers into making decisions with more integrity, in order to avoid future financial woes? Can a sense of safety and ethics be forced into company culture? The Inquiry takes a look inside Goldman Sachs and meets with a regulator who is deploying psychologists in banks.

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  • Researchers Identify One Of The Strongest Factors In Ending Poverty: Hope

    The Padua Project in Fort Worth, Texas, has set a goal of getting 100 poor people out of poverty in three years — with a job, three months’ savings and off government assistance. But, is it working?

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  • For Nonprofits Tackling Poverty, Collaboration Remains Important Hurdle

    Padua Project is an innovative program that has a goal of getting poor people out of poverty in three years with a job, three months’ savings and off government assistance. Its unusual success involved a collaboration with other social services organizations. Overcoming the big challenge of this collaboration is an important learning tool to scale similar initiatives.

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  • Family center offers comprehensive care for the homeless

    Homelessness has many challenges that require different services to aid those who have no place to live—including daycare and laundry. Seattle has established Mary’s Place Family Center, a public space that collaborates with non-profits to provide a multitude of social services to the homeless. Large corporations have donated buildings to serve as Seattle’s Mary’s Place shelters to diminish costs.

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