Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Raton got its groove back

    By investing public money, developing a branch of a local community college, and encouraging locals to invest in their own hometown, the small city of Raton, New Mexico has begun to turn their economic hardships around. City officials have looked beyond cyclical extraction businesses like coal mining in order to think about long-term financial success for their community members.

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  • Teaching Teens Financial Literacy

    Students at Provine High School will soon be able to open up accounts with Hope Credit Union, right in their own hallway. The partnership is helping students realize that having a relationship with a financial institution can create a more stable financial future, breaking the cycle of poverty.

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  • Failure: the surprising fuel in Israel's startup engine

    Business people are beginning to see failure as a necessary way to learn. Entrepreneurs in Israel use their mistakes to learn from them and help guide them in the future.

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  • Cash and Tech Replace Bags of Rice in Urban Humanitarian Aid

    Refugees often find cold cash far more helpful than bags of rice or other products foundations provide. Iris scanners can make identity verification much easier for refugees to access money that is distributed to them at banks.

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  • When parents of people with disabilities reach the breaking point

    Part 1 of the Caregivers Crisis series: As parents of adults with disabilities face their own struggles with aging, health, and mobility they often find themselves at the frayed end of their resources. The Parent Support Project brings these parents together to provide counseling, information on resources, financial counseling, moral support, and renewed energy to keep moving forward with their lives.

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  • In Rural Bangladesh, Solar Power Dents Poverty

    Infrastructure Development Company Limited (Idcol), a government-backed Bangladeshi energy and infrastructure group, is helping bring solar power to homes in rural Bangladesh that once relied on dangerous kerosene or expensive diesel for electricity. The keys to Idcol’s expansion are financing plans that cater to lower-income people, as well as partnerships with 56 grass-roots organizations like the microfinance institution Grameen. Solar energy is reliable, clean, and more cost effective in the long run, and has become a lifeline for low-income Bangladeshis living beyond access of the main grid.

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  • CDFIs Can Help Native Populations Moving to Cities

    In Rapid City, South Dakota, talking about money is taboo among Native American families. To help improve their financial situations Black Hills Community Loan Fund offers financial literacy classes. The organization is in the process to be certified as a Native CDFI, a program that will help expand their impact.

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  • An African trailblazer

    Rwanda is a poor, rural country with a troubled history. Yet the country has built an effective national health system by tackling the diseases of poverty, such as diarrhea and pneumonia, with smart use of international aid and local health workers.

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  • An Innovative Casino Scheme Helps Re-Build a Troubled Industrial City

    Erie, Pennsylvania transforms standard casino revenue into community development funds to jumpstart the city's urban and economic planning. An innovative initiative sets aside a percentage of revenue for city-wide development programs including a tech-startup initiative and youth summer jobs program.

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  • How to feed the masses in small-town America

    When the only local grocery store in tiny Walsh, Colorado, shut down, the 600 residents of the town chipped in to re-open the store, combining community financing with traditional business savvy to keep the community institution afloat. Walch's grocery and other rural grocery stores with similar models have overcome the struggle of competition from national dollar stores with the community investment approach, leveraging close local ties to maintain support and funding.

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