Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Free Money: The Surprising Effects of a Basic Income Supplied by Government

    In North Carolina, the Cherokee tribe members receive cash payments every year from the revenue of local casinos. Native American reservations have one of the highest poverty rates in the country, but this payment has shown a positive impact on children's lives. As inequality increases, tech companies are advocating for "universal basic income," using the Cherokee community as a case study. More research needs to take place in order to define what the universal basic income will be, how people will respond to it, and what will be the overall effects.

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  • Can a Philly community bail fund fix our criminal-justice system?

    Crowdfunding initiatives in Philadelphia offer an alternative to the cash bail process that disproportionately affects African Americans in problematic ways. “Community bail fund activists” raised almost $60,000 for Black Mama’s Bail-Out Day. Now, they are scaling the effort into a Philly Community Bail Fund to help not just Black mothers, but any of the poor, who are detained and kept away from their families and jobs while they await trial. Other crowdsourcing initiatives are springing up in the city, and all are needed to address the problem.

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  • The Compass, Making it Work: Navigating Kenya's Streets with Technology

    Entrepreneurs and startups in Kenya and India are finding success creating products that meet the needs of poorer citizens in those countries. This episode includes a story about a mobile phone app that tackles the difficulty of finding locations in Nairobi using GPS coordinates and a photo, a startup near Bengaluru, India that uses human ATMs to help rural residents access cash via mobile phones, and a Kenyan company building devices that create free public wifi.

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  • Giving Capitalism a Social Conscience

    A disproportionate of the world's money is concentrated in the pockets of a handful. Muhammad Yunus sees the importance of social business in helping change this trend and distribute wealth more evenly.

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  • Innovative but dull: disaster insurance is starting to pay off

    When disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, strike the recovery can be very expensive. Insurance has been found to be key in order to quickly get funds to help relief efforts.

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  • How good government can limit hurricane damage

    A look at how improved policies and procedures can help prevent the catastrophic amounts of property damage caused by the increasingly frequent "super storms" like hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Cities like New York and Philadelphia may offer creative development models that coastal cities in the path of future storms can emulate.

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  • D.C. offers amnesty to parents who are behind in child support

    Billions of dollars in child support goes unpaid every year in the United States, but not all of those parents missing payments are negligent deadbeats - many are unemployed, incarcerated, or have disabilities that are prohibitive to earning enough money. A new amnesty program in Washington D.C. is taking a closer look at individual cases to determine which parents may just need an extra boost to help find a job or otherwise make their payments, and is forgiving debt while providing grants and other resources to help them support their children.

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  • Chicago's Pullman Park Continues to Build, Create Jobs

    At the old site of Pullman railroad cars, Chicago has found some creative ways to foster development. A community bank created Chicago Neighborhood Initiatives, which uses neighborhood input to decide which projects to pursue. Emphasis is placed on projects with aligned values, such as Method, a B Corporation that manufactures soaps. Projects also aim to hire local and invest in local businesses.

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  • Mexican-American Preservationists Are Saving San Antonio's Urban Fabric

    As San Antonio develops, local groups like the WPA work to preserve cultural heritage along with buildings. Community organization, financing, and legislation are all tools the groups are using to maintain historic communities.

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  • Courting The Ones Who Need It

    Developed in 2016, the Eugene Community Court program offers individuals cited for nonviolent, minor crimes an alternative to prison. If a person agrees to participate, they are matched with a case manager who connects them to the resources they need, like substance abuse treatment or job training services. The city hopes to decrease the rate of recidivism by creating tailored programs for each individual and spark a societal shift that has long criminalized poverty.

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