Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Saving for Retirement: How Auto-IRA Plans May Secure the Future

    Oregon is helping its residents save for retirement by automatically enrolling those eligible for the Roth IRA retirement savings program. Employees can choose to contribute or opt out, and thus far the participation rate is 80%. As social security benefits are at risk in the future, this program, in Oregon and around the country, is helping people start early in preparing for retirement.

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  • Capitalism for Good: Kensington Avenue Storefront Challenge

    Shift Capital, a mission-driven real estate group in Philadelphia, tried a new tactic to bring business back to an old neighborhood. The Kensington Avenue Storefront Challenge asked businesses to apply for open storefront space as well as funding, and nine winners were selected based on financial viability and ability to impact the community. This form of development aims to fight gentrification in an inclusive way.

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  • The Opposite of Gentrification

    A new program in a Philadelphia neighborhood is offering opportunities for locals to curb gentrification. Gentrification occurs when outside developers come to an area and change it without leaving room for locals to remain. The nonprofit Jumpstart Germantown provides training, mentoring, and loans to community members who want to learn to develop their own neighborhoods in an inclusive and sustainable way. So far, 235 people have graduated from the program, and the model has inspired other Philadelphia neighborhoods to start similar programs.

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  • An International Final Four: Which Country Handles Student Debt Best?

    In a March Madness bracket style competition between Sweden, the United States, Australia, and Britain, experts choose Australia as the country with the most effective student loan repayment system. Judges cite automatic collection of income-based payments as Australia's best feature and discuss what the U.S. can learn by "acknowledging that possible ideas for improvement don't stop at the border."

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  • The rebel bank, printing its own notes and buying back people's debts

    How is Street Central Bank buying back the debt of ordinary people? Part art installation and part charitable endeavor, the “bank” prints its own money, sells it for real tender and then uses the funds to help neighbors. The project draws inspiration from similar debt buyback efforts in the United States.

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  • 'We exist': Public art project gives India's transgender community a voice

    The Aravani Art Project is a project that works to raise the visibility and voice of the trans community in India. It does so by employing them to paint murals across the country (and even one in Sri Lanka) featuring slices of life as a trans person. It took time to build trust with the community at first, but eventually the people behind the project developed a system of idea conception to realization with their participants. Over time they have developed long-term relationships with each other, and the trans community is slowly becoming comfortable with having a public voice.

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  • Pump House, city look to the future

    In Ashland, a pump factory turned into Pump House Ministries. However, after facing several fires and unfortunate tax trouble, the non-profit handed most of its property over to the local government. The city and charity are learning from their mistakes. Both want to see the building used as a community space that benefits residents. The city wants to engage city planners to get it right this time. (This is the third article in a four part series).

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  • Want to save your job and make more money? Buy out your boss

    The owners of Novograf, a UK-based marketing company, faced a challenge when they were ready to retire. They did not want to sell their company and risk a relocation of the factory, which would take away jobs from the local economy. Instead, they sold their company to their employees. Data shows that employee-ownership leads to higher wages and higher job satisfaction. One year after the transition to employee-ownership, Novograf sales grew by 20%.

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  • Richland County takes chance with opportunity zones

    Many cities have the potential to prosper under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which created “opportunity zones” to increase investment in “distressed” areas. To maximize the potential for local investment, the Richland County Community Development Group united key players to ensure census tracts in the county would be considered. Though the opportunity zone program is in its early stages, Richland County led all the preparation work for local cities to receive big business investment for years to come.

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  • Issuing Bonds to Invest in People

    In cases where funding is short for social programs, social impact bonds are becoming an increasingly appealing funding mechanism. Private investors and philanthropic institutions invest money upfront to fund a social program; if the program shows measurable success, the investors gain their original investment plus interest. A key example is in Connecticut, where a social impact bond was set up to expand the Family Stability Pay for Success Project. By spending money on prevention, investors and governments save money later.

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