Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Informal Bank That Empowers Kenya's Poorest Women

    In villages in Bubisa, Kenya, women have come together to form informal community banks so that they may have greater financial access and power. These groups of women together save money, and then lend and borrow money with one another, giving themselves the chance to own property and send their kids to school – without having to rely on their husbands.

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  • Houses intact after Hurricane Michael were often saved by low-cost reinforcements

    Small, cost-effective improvements to home construction were often the difference between houses that suffered small amounts of damage from Florida hurricanes and those that were destroyed. Knowing to ask for extra nails, strong windows, and hurricane clips for their roof, home owners can not only save their homes but save money from decreased insurance and energy costs.

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  • Why aren't we mining landfills for valuable materials like metals and soil?

    Across the country, projects that mine landfills for reusable metals and soils are underway. Can such mining prove profitable enough to spur similar efforts on a grand scale? So far, some projects have seen profits while others have not. But as society increasingly values pollution and greenhouse gas reduction, incentives for refuse mining can only grow.

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  • Stopping scams takes teamwork

    In cases of exploration and scamming, particularly of senior citizens, Richland County, Ohio has found that teamwork and collaboration between local agencies is key. Those agencies include Adult Protective Service, the Area Agency on Aging, and Police Departments working together to catch exploiters and return money to its rightful owners.

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  • Taking Steps Toward a Community-Controlled Economy in Boston

    The Boston Ujima Project is on “a mission to create an alternative economy,” one that is inclusive on all measures. The main initiative is a community capital fund, which is considering foregoing collateral on loans in exchange for other creative metrics, in the hopes of extending loans to those often excluding from traditional banking and investment. They are also creating a timebanking initiative, where labor that benefits the community can be used as a form of currency. An accessible Boston workshop cemented the group’s commitment to being community-driven.

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  • This Radical Bank Will Free People Of Debt By Literally Blowing It Up

    The Hoe Street Central Bank is an artist run project that raises money through events taking place in a former bank and sells prints designed to mimic paper money. Through the money they raise, the organization buys and eliminates private debt as well as makes donations to organizations affected by austerity measures.

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  • PA Banking On New Program Providing Inmates With Financial Savvy To Succeed

    Two state agencies in Pennsylvania collaborated to launch a program that trains inmates on financial literacy skills in an effort to curb recidivism. The Department of Corrections and the Department of Banking and Securities have reached more than 4,300 inmates through the classes, many of whom have been inside for years and may have never had bank accounts. Research found having a bank account is strongly correlated with not returning to prison and higher employment rates.

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  • Here's What Investing in Economic Justice Looks Like

    Hope Credit Union has a mission: serving mostly black, marginalized communities in the South whose capital was historically displaced through slavery. In 2017, the credit union gave out $100 million in loans. ‘That total includes 61 business loans, 2,825 consumer loans, and 287 home mortgages, of which 87 percent went to first-time homebuyers.”

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  • Low-cost housing project begins next month

    Kenya is launching a program to build more affordable housing by providing infrastructure like water and roads, as well as funding from the World Bank and lower levies on the cost of doing business in order to attract private investors. The government will also provide land to investors on the condition they provide 20,000 low-income units for every 100,000 they build. But the plan faces major challenges including clear title and rising construction costs.

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  • A Boost for the Worker-Owned Economy

    Over two million baby boomers own their own companies, and with retirement looming, the government stepped in with a solution. A portion of a 2018 federal bill included language that will push the Small Business Administration to help baby boomers transition ownership of their companies to their employees if they wish. This will mitigate job loss often associated with a retiring business owner putting the company up for sale. Employee owners on average make a higher salary and have higher job stability, supporting the idea that employee ownership is beneficial for everyone involved, as well as for the econom

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