Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Community Solar Developers Get Creative to Finance Big Projects

    Organizations across the country work to make sustainable solar energy accessible for low-income communities. Through creative financing models that allow community members to maintain ownership over their neighborhood solar panels, these organizations keep financing in the hands of community members rather than corporate entities.

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  • Australia's Corporate Boards Shrink the Gender Gap

    In Australia, 29.7 percent of the top 200 companies in the Australian Securities Exchange are women. While other countries are finding it more difficult to increase the number of women represented on company boards, Australia has seen a cultural shift. Rather than imposing quotas, which often have negative effects, Australian investors have recognized the positive effects of diverse boards, and pushed companies to recruit and retain in exchange for their votes and continued investment.

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  • With gender-smart investing, public servants can unlock trillions for women

    Gender-based impact investing, or supporting women's economic empowerment through investing in women-owned businesses, is not only the domain of the private sector. Given the scale of government business activities, there are myriad ways the public sector can engage in "gender-smart investing," from supporting women in growth accelerators and incubators to prioritizing women-led businesses in procurement processes.

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  • How Beyond Meat became a $550 million brand, winning over meat-eaters with a vegan burger that 'bleeds'

    Beyond Meat is a food brand getting acclaim for developing a hamburger replacement that helps save the large amount of energy and resources used to make a typical burger. They have sold over 25 million burgers since their launch, targeting both vegans and meat-eaters, and are backed by notable investors such as Bill Gates and Leonardo DiCaprio.

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  • Has New York Found the Secret to Linking Retiring Farmers and Eager Upstarts?

    Connecting new farmers to community partners facilitates the process of buying and selling land. In addition to linking buyers and sellers, the Hudson Valley Farmlink Network (HVFN) enrolls local organizations such as GrowNYC’s FARMroots program, the Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Corporation, as well as micro lenders to make the sale of the land possible. The network increases the resources available to farmers in New York.

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  • Black Lung: Reclaiming Coal Country

    While waiting on $1 billion of federal money to help address repercussions from a century of coal mining, communities in Kentucky and other Appalachian towns create their own solutions. Chapters of the Black Lung society seek financial means to help individuals with black lung receive medical care, and local businesses turn abandoned mines into sustainable energy plants and other new economic drivers.

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  • U.S. Faith Communities Are Tackling the Housing Crisis

    In cities like Denver, Seattle, and Chicago, faith-based communities use their land to aid in the affordable housing crisis. Because many communities of faith sit on large expanses of valuable land within city limits, they've begun using their land to offer housing for low-income families and other underserved community members.

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  • Why Co-op City Confounds Stereotypes About Big Housing Projects

    A racially integrated middle-income housing unit in the Bronx serves both as an inspiration and an enigma in the New York City housing market. Co-op City, which just celebrated its 50th birthday, accepts tenants of all income brackets and ethnicities, serving as a model in an otherwise quickly gentrifying neighborhood.

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  • Standing Rock's Surprising Legacy: A Push for Public Banks

    In a post-Standing Rock economic era, cities like Seattle and Philadelphia look to the Bank of North Dakota as an example of a successful public banking structure. While public banking is a large undertaking for many cities, governments around the country search for options to divest from Wall Street.

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  • Why Big Tech's congressman is betting on Iowa

    An interesting advocate for spreading tech jobs into small towns comes in the form of Silicon Valley’s congressman. Representative Ro Khanna hopes that investing in small towns will stimulate local economies as well as mitigate some problems relating to overcrowding and sky-high rent in the San Francisco area. Buy-in from tech companies, local residents, and perhaps Congress will help push investment in areas like Jefferson, Iowa even further.

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