Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Black Lung: Reclaiming Coal Country

    While waiting on $1 billion of federal money to help address repercussions from a century of coal mining, communities in Kentucky and other Appalachian towns create their own solutions. Chapters of the Black Lung society seek financial means to help individuals with black lung receive medical care, and local businesses turn abandoned mines into sustainable energy plants and other new economic drivers.

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  • Why Co-op City Confounds Stereotypes About Big Housing Projects

    A racially integrated middle-income housing unit in the Bronx serves both as an inspiration and an enigma in the New York City housing market. Co-op City, which just celebrated its 50th birthday, accepts tenants of all income brackets and ethnicities, serving as a model in an otherwise quickly gentrifying neighborhood.

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  • Standing Rock's Surprising Legacy: A Push for Public Banks

    In a post-Standing Rock economic era, cities like Seattle and Philadelphia look to the Bank of North Dakota as an example of a successful public banking structure. While public banking is a large undertaking for many cities, governments around the country search for options to divest from Wall Street.

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  • Why Big Tech's congressman is betting on Iowa

    An interesting advocate for spreading tech jobs into small towns comes in the form of Silicon Valley’s congressman. Representative Ro Khanna hopes that investing in small towns will stimulate local economies as well as mitigate some problems relating to overcrowding and sky-high rent in the San Francisco area. Buy-in from tech companies, local residents, and perhaps Congress will help push investment in areas like Jefferson, Iowa even further.

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  • How Funding Black Businesses Can Help Bridge the Racial Wealth Gap

    An Oakland nonprofit incubator, The Runway Project, addresses racial and economic injustices in entrepreneurship by offering flexible loans for people of color and low-income individuals looking to start a business. Borrowers benefit from flexible loan terms and qualifications, both of which are usually barriers to entry for people of color in the business world.

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  • Nigeria's Tech Startups Defy the Odds

    In Nigeria, entrepreneurs are overcoming the hurdles of an underdeveloped tech ecosystem to solve problems at the bottom of the pyramid, from health to education to access to money. It’s attracting the attention of investors. New venture capital firms in Nigeria are helping local technology spread. Entrepreneurs are being elevated to the international tech scene, while making sure their solutions still help their own country.

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  • What Burkina Faso can teach us about scaling up early childhood programs

    A pilot of a cash transfer program in rural Burkina Faso not only produced valuable research but, by involving government officials from the get-go, developed local expertise that was invaluable for the later launch of a national program. "The major challenge for scaling in early childhood is implementing a scheme nationally with the same attention to detail it enjoyed as a small, closely supervised pilot," a member of the World Bank team noted. This experiment offers a possible solution.

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  • Social impact bonds are helping solve South Africa's toughest challenges

    Social impact bonds are providing a relatively new way of improving health and education outcomes in developing countries. While these have been used successfully in the developing world, South Africa is relatively new its use of social impact bonds, which use a “pay for success” model to spur investment in experimental programs. Though still in the early stages, the use of this creative financing looks like it will be a huge asset in the development world.

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  • Foundations Have a Not-So-Charitable Secret

    Traditionally, private foundations have been required to give away only 5% of their wealth each year. Beyond that, the majority of funds have typically been invested in Wall Street funds, sometimes funds that fundamentally contradict their mission. This is changing. The F.B. Heron Foundation has shifted to a more socially conscious investing strategy, as have parts of the Gates and Ford foundations. Impact investing is relatively new, but it is growing in a field where the potential for impact is huge.

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  • California Wildfires Destroy Homes and Lives. Why Do Regulators Encourage Building in Fire Zones?

    In California, Proposition 103 – a decades-old ballot initiative – disincentivizes homeowners affected by wildfires to rebuild in less fire-prone zones. The proposition – which can only be reversed through another ballot initiative – bars insurers from raising their rates based on future risks, meaning people who live in fire zones are not paying a higher rate. Furthermore, because of these regulations and the lack of response to the problem, insurance agencies often err on the side of caution and won’t sell policies at all, leaving some people uninsured entirely.

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