Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A La Reliure du Limousin, les aides gouvernementales sont indispensables au succès de l'apprentissage

    Chez La Reliure du Limousin, entreprise de reliure et de restauration de documents anciens, les financements publics soutiennent un programme d’apprentissage qui allie formation technique et cours théoriques. L’entreprise accueille 10 apprentis par an et a jusqu’à présent embauché une douzaine pour des postes permanents.

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  • Ideas We Should Steal: Divest Fossil Fuels From City Pensions

    Following the success of New York City's divestment of pension funds from fossil fuels, a process that started in 2015, other cities around the US are exploring ways to achieve net-zero portfolio emissions. In most cases, the divested pension funds have performed at least as well financially as a city’s non-divested funds.

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  • Inside Africa's Trailblazing Solar Repair Movement

    Nonprofit SolarAid trains repair technicians who can fix solar energy kits. In the 2023-24 financial year, SolarAid’s teams across Zambia and Malawi repaired 2,422 solar products, reducing electronic waste, increasing the lifespan of products, and improving access to solar lights, as well as creating job opportunities

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  • In Türkiye, Girl Villages Have Become a Lifeline for Education

    To help relieve the burden of ancillary education costs such as transportation, supplies, and meals, with the ultimate goal of preventing girls from dropping out early, the Korunuck Foundation operates two housing campuses for Turkish girls where they receive comprehensive support for their studies. The programs currently serve 125 students, and 36 girls have been accepted into universities.

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  • Sani Isla: A Kichwa community that found alternatives to oil in conservation and tourism

    The indigenous community of Sani Isla in Ecuador receives financial incentives for conserving thousands of hectares through the state-run Socio Bosque program. This economic support helps them sustain their ways of life, safeguard more of the environment, and showcase the area’s biodiversity to tourists.

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  • Are high efficiency stoves the solution to Keene's wood smoke pollution?

    In New England, government incentives and education are supporting and encouraging residents to swap their wood-burning stoves for high-efficiency models that burn less wood and emit less smoke. The aim is to reduce air pollution and its public health and climate impacts.

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  • Wisconsin advocates push home energy efficiency program funded with Inflation Reduction Act dollars

    By combining rebates from the Inflation Reduction Act and funding from the state’s Focus on Energy program, Wisconsin homeowners can make energy efficient upgrades at a fraction of the typical cost, with some low-income residents paying as little as $1. Though the future of the funding is uncertain with a new presidential administration, one Wisconsin contractor specializing in green projects currently has 10 projects in progress with another 50 on tap.

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  • Crops, cows, and solar panels? Why farmers are harvesting sunlight.

    Spurred by federal and state incentives, farmers in Massachusetts are adopting agrivoltaics, the practice of installing a solar array on the same land they use for crops and livestock.

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  • Why Utah Is Bucking One of the West's Oldest Water Rules

    Utah is ditching the “use it or lose it” water rights doctrine to encourage farmers to conserve water amid severe water shortages. Instead, it’s encouraging farmers to use less water while allowing them to keep their rights to it. The government is awarding funding for efficiency upgrades and creating a system for farmess to lease out the saved water.

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  • A Colorado Groundwater Experiment Tackles Urgent Conservation Needs

    Farmers in arid, drought-prone regions are creating groundwater conservation easements with nonprofits to reduce their water use in a financially feasible way. For these agreements, farmers reduce the acres they grow crops on in perpetuity in exchange for payment and tax benefits.

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