Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A La Reliure du Limousin, les aides gouvernementales sont indispensables au succès de l'apprentissage

    Chez La Reliure du Limousin, entreprise de reliure et de restauration de documents anciens, les financements publics soutiennent un programme d’apprentissage qui allie formation technique et cours théoriques. L’entreprise accueille 10 apprentis par an et a jusqu’à présent embauché une douzaine pour des postes permanents.

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  • Kansas sought homelessness success stories. It stumbled on a cautionary tale, too.

    Community Solutions provides support and data analysis for municipalities trying to reach “functional zero,” when it becomes rare for a specific population, such as veterans or people who are chronically unhoused, to fall into homelessness. The milestone has been achieved by several communities, including Rockford, Illinois, and Abilene, Texas, but some, such as Bergen County, New Jersey, have struggled to maintain the standard long-term.

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  • Demand for immigration legal services spikes at California colleges

    In the University of California and California State University systems, undocumented students have access to Dream resource centers where they can get support with financial aid, mental health services, community-building, and legal aid for immigration cases. These services have seen demand skyrocket since the 2024 presidential election and subsequent executive orders around immigration.

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  • Cómo comunidades de Miami encontraron soluciones climáticas con un modelo de participación comunitaria

    Usando herramientas de ciencias sociales, como el "design thinking" y el "photovoice," más la participación de funcionarios del condado de Miami-Dade y socios locales, proyectos estan transformando la planificación de adaptación climática en Miami. acercando los datos, y empoderando a las comunidades en la toma de decisiones.

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  • WA tribes crucial to salmon recovery, conservation throughout decades of work with state

    Widespread involvement of numerous relevant government bodies at the tribal, city, state and federal level has led to a number of conservation wins in the Pacific Northwest, reflecting the huge influence tribes in the state have had on how environmental issues and conservation work are framed and executed.

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  • In Türkiye, Girl Villages Have Become a Lifeline for Education

    To help relieve the burden of ancillary education costs such as transportation, supplies, and meals, with the ultimate goal of preventing girls from dropping out early, the Korunuck Foundation operates two housing campuses for Turkish girls where they receive comprehensive support for their studies. The programs currently serve 125 students, and 36 girls have been accepted into universities.

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  • Transforming the Delta

    The Next California project, a collaboration between AgLaunch and WWF, is helping transform the Mississippi Delta into a sustainable and prosperous agricultural economy. Working with local farmers across Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi, the organizations are helping agricultural operations incubate projects, diversify assets, and grow distribution networks.

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  • How One City Cut Its Poverty Rate By More Than a Third

    Richmond’s Office of Community Wealth Building acts as a hub for connecting the city’s many anti-poverty programs and organizations, with partnerships that holistically tackle everything from job training and guaranteed income initiatives to community health programs. Since 2014, the city’s poverty rate has dropped from nearly 27 percent to 17.1 percent.

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  • This Outer Banks Resort Centered the Environment From the Start, and It Paid Off

    Due to its sustainable design, the Corolla Light Resort has seen far less seawater intrusion and damage to properties compared to other Outer Banks resorts, plus much healthier dune structures. With 450 privately owned and managed homes, over half of which are dedicated to vacationon rentals, coordinated limited development has led to some of the tallest dunes on the island and minimal erosion.

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  • A Little-Known Federal Program Is Keeping Senior Housing Affordable in Denver

    The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development offers funding for affordable housing properties to retrofit their buildings to be more resilient to climate change and improve resident’s quality of life. The funding ensures the properties remain as affordable housing because these upgrades typically reduce bills and because property owners must agree to keep rent affordable for 25 years.

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