Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How the Minnesota Council of Churches is bridging divides this election year

    The Minnesota Council of Churches’ Respectful Conversations initiative brings together members of different congregations to find empathy and common ground around divisive issues such as policing, guns, and the upcoming election. Since 2012, the program has hosted more than 300 conversations attended by over 8,000 people, the majority of whom reported a stronger sense of empathy for people with different viewpoints after participating.

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  • Minnesota Is Testing a Model To Add More Civility to Politics

    Minnesota’s Civility Caucus brings Democrats and Republicans together for monthly sessions where they learn more about each other and their respective districts. Members say having opportunities to get to know their fellow lawmakers helps create a better foundation for working together. At least one bill has been cosponsored by members of the caucus from opposite parties.

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  • How a Bipartisan Group Overcame the Odds to Pass the TikTok Divestment Bill

    To drum up bipartisan support for a bill that will require social media app TikTok to divest from the Chinese Communist Party or lose access to American users, legislators involved multiple committees in the process and enlisted the support of the Department of Justice to appeal directly to Democrats. The final version of the bill was attached to legislation providing aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan and passed with little opposition.

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  • Chicago student group organized "peace talk" forums for conversations on Israel and Gaza

    Student organizers with Chi Youth 4 Justice facilitated PzTalks, a series of forums at Chicago high schools to encourage conversation around Israel and Gaza and build bridges between Jewish and Arab American students. The events were held at 10 public high schools around the city and were tailored to each school’s population and priorities, with some drawing on restorative justice techniques to encourage open, respectful dialogue.

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  • New U.S. agroforestry project will pay farmers to expand 'climate-smart' acres

    A multi-partner effort in the United States, led by The Nature Conservancy, is helping farmers adopt agroforestry practices by providing funding and training. This style of farming encourages the growing of a variety of plants to enhance biodiversity and capture more carbon dioxide.

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  • Culture and conservation thrive as Great Lakes tribes bring back native wild rice

    Native tribes and First Nations in the Great Lakes Region are successfully reviving wild rice, a native crop that is deemed “extremely vulnerable” to climate change and lost much of its wetland habitat. The tribes’ restoration projects involve seeding lakebeds, monitoring water levels and quality, educating others on the importance of the crop, and harvesting it by hand.

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  • These farmworkers created America's strongest workplace heat rules

    To fight for safer working conditions, a coalition of farmworkers staged protests and led boycotts of corporations such as McDonald’s and Taco Bell, which helped persuade the companies to join their push for better treatment. This led to the creation of the Fair Food Program, an initiative that certifies farms that comply with strict safety standards and gives them access to some of the largest buyers of produce. Farms in 10 states now participate in the program, providing protections for roughly 20,000 workers.

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  • Preaching to polarized congregations: A responsibility and a challenge, clergy say

    Organizations such as One America Movement and the Colossian Forum train clergy to facilitate discussion around polarizing issues through sermons, messaging, and faith-related events. The initiatives have reached 100 and 600 participants, respectively, who bring conflict resolution strategies back to their congregations.

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  • Colorado Shows Impact, Challenges of Billions in Federal Clean Energy Spending

    Federal tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act and added incentives from the state of Colorado and its municipalities is drawing in clean energy companies, creating new jobs, and helping the state meet its decarbonization goals.

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  • Colaborar para hacer una política más eficaz: así lo hacen en Suiza

    El modelo de colaboración política que se practican en Suiza resulta en que distintos partidos políticos se reúnen con el objetivo de encontrar conjuntamente soluciones a los problemas de la sociedad. Con esa cooperación y la ayuda de expertos, logran diseñar soluciones concretas que se proponen al Parlamento para apruebar y realizar.

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