Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Trump and his allies could kill funding for life-saving resiliency hubs

    Federal tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act enabled Community Church Atlanta to create a resiliency hub in its community center, serving as a food pantry and critical emergency shelter. Reduced energy bills from the recently installed solar panels are helping them expand their food pantry beyond the 32,000 they fed last year, and pursue even greater structural enforcements.

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  • This support group for Israeli expats in New York offers Hebrew and hugs

    The Israeli Hug Center offers social support, group therapy, and robust programming for Israeli expats in New York City.

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  • Un velero decomisado al narcotráfico como solución para que todas las personas puedan participar de la "tradición marinera" gallega

    Tras una cesión a una asociación de personas con discapacidad de Galicia, el velero Laion esta utilizado como herramienta de inclusión para que navegar sea una actividad abierta a todos—un caso de cómo los bienes incautados y decomisados al crimen organizado pueden reutilizarse socialmente y revertir en beneficio de toda la sociedad. En torno a 5.000 personas se han beneficiado de la actividad desde 2002.

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  • Can the U.S. Make Prisons More Rehabilitative? Here's a Major Test Case

    The national initiative Restoring Promise works with states to create criminal justice reform initiatives that draw inspiration from rehabilitation-focused German prisons. The program at Lee Correctional Institution in South Carolina allows participants to customize their individual cells and focuses on mentorships, educational classes, and self-governance.

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  • How One Company Gamified Health Insurance

    A game called “Benefit Builder,” developed by the head of human resources at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, helped employees collaboratively develop equitable company-wide health insurance plans. Gamifying the process helped boost employee buy-in and morale.

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  • Keeping People Safe

    Durham’s alternative crisis response team of social workers, HEART, responds to 911 calls to mitigate conflict on their own or with the police. The program is designed to keep everyone involved safe while preventing a situation from escalating to violence.

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  • Model Prisons: California's Push for Reform

    California is taking a new approach to reducing recidivism, known as The California Model, by providing people who are incarcerated with rehabilitative and educational programming.

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  • Doctor missionaries and long tale of leprosy in Nigeria

    The leprosarium, run by the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), provides free treatment, shelter, and support to those ostracized due to their leprosy diagnosis. Since forming, ECWA has helped 1,000 patients overcome the disease.

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  • A City Tries to Measure the Violence It's Preventing

    A violence prevention program in Baton Rouge is working to reduce gun violence and help mothers and those affected cope and move forward in a healthy way. The street team with the non-profit C.H.A.N.G.E supports grieving families, provides targeted interventions and community engagement efforts around gun violence, and collects data to measure their work’s impact over time.

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  • 'It's about the process': Art therapy provides creative outlet as mental health care

    Art therapy is a growing practice that helps people access and assess their emotions through visual and performing arts like painting and dancing.

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