Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Children in the courtroom: How Virginia judges are giving kids a voice

    Judges in Roanoke, Virginia, are ensuring children have a voice in the courtroom to improve the way cases are handled and the outcomes for children in foster care. They encourage children to speak up, ask them what they want, prepare them in advance with worksheets and letters, and even offer them gifts like a book or stuffed animal.

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  • Combinar la justicia restaurativa con la justicia penal, lecciones desde Navarra

    Desde los primeros años del 2000, la Asociación Navarra de Mediación (ANAME) ha trabajado para garantiza como servicio público la justicia restaurativa, un proceso para la resolución de conflictos enfocado en la reparación del daño a la víctima y la sanación emocional de las partes implicadas y del tejido social. De los casos en los que las partes decidieron iniciar el proceso, el 72% terminaron en acuerdo, un resultado que coincide con la experiencia en otros países.

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  • Productive Discomfort: A Job Training Program for Single Moms That Centers Mental Health

    A job training program for single moms experiencing poverty, called Climb Wyoming, runs 14, 12-week training sessions per year. The program provides wraparound support for the moms alongside the skills training, including mental health support, life skills training, and help navigating the criminal justice system.

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  • A Carnegie Hall Concert Series Designed for Mental Health

    The iconic New York City theater Carnegie Hall recently premiered a Well-Being Concerts series designed to maximize the health benefits concert attendees receive, such as reduced loneliness, anxiety, and stress. At these events, the audience is encouraged to get to know one another while they sit on floor cushions on the same level as the performers.

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  • The New Jersey Mayor With a Plan to End Traffic Deaths

    The Vision Zero campaign aims to eliminate traffic deaths around the world. So far, Hoboken has made several changes to its streets and transportation policies to increase safety, such as repaving crosswalks to increase visibility, building curb extensions and adding bike lanes to roads. With these new safety measures in place, the city hasn’t reported a single traffic death since January 2017 and traffic-related injuries have dropped 41%.

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  • Is Chicago Public Schools' approach to safety and restorative discipline working? Some say yes.

    Chicago public schools are changing how they approach discipline to prevent over-policing and the school-to-prison pipeline. Instead of automatic suspensions and out-of-school punishment, they’re focusing on restorative practices.

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  • Hallett Academy's approach of 'we will love your child into learning' helps boost rating

    To successfully lift Hallett Academy from the state’s lowest ranking to its highest, school leadership focused on hiring diverse and passionate teachers who use love as a main tool for learning.

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  • A 'Cool Roof' Can Help You Beat The Heat — And Save Money

    Cool roofs — or roofs that are bright white, reflect sunlight, and radiate heat instead of absorbing it — can help keep indoor temperatures lower and reduce the urban heat island effect.

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  • Virtual Power Plants Offer A Climate-Forward Response To Increasingly Hot Summers

    Virtual power plants are emerging in the United States and partnering with utility companies to manage energy demand during extreme weather and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These plants are actually a portfolio of energy resources, anything from smart appliances in homes to solar panels and electric vehicle infrastructure outside of homes, that are tracked and managed digitally. This enables virtual power plants to encourage minimal peak energy use, increase the amount of renewable energy sent back to the grid, and decrease the use of peaker power plants that rely on fossil fuels.

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  • Could a historic Sacramento corridor hold the key to solving the region's housing crisis?

    After decades of planning and development, Sacramento’s R Street corridor went from an area full of abandoned warehouses to a flourishing, walkable neighborhood. The city planners’ prioritization of building high-density housing, bringing in new businesses, ensuring access to a light rail transit line, and safe, pedestrian-friendly streets helped this project succeed.

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