Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Supporting Smallholder Women Farmers With Hand Tractors

    A local government initiative has helped over 30 farmers to buy hand tractors in the last six years, with most of the beneficiaries being women. The hand tractors make farming more accessible and profitable for women.

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  • Building Food Sovereignty in San Francisco and Detroit

    The Black Community Food Sovereignty Network and the Native Foodways Program strengthen community connections to food, not only enhancing access, but also restoring culturally significant relationships with the Earth, supporting local economies, and healing historical traumas.

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  • How One Library Is Filling the Gaps in Homeless Services

    The Salt Lake City Public Library employed in-house social workers and built out an area in the library dedicated to providing a variety of resources for people experiencing homelessness and anyone else looking for support. The staff helps people find individualized paths forward, and partner organizations host office hours for things like harm reduction services and workforce services.

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  • Restoring a Cornerstone of the Local Grain Economy

    A new generation of entrepreneurs is reestablishing local grain mills across the United States, drawing on historic processes to bring back a system that benefits local economics while providing fresher, more nutrient-dense flour. The group, the Craft Millers Guild, meets virtually to share advice, learn from experts, and advocate for change.

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  • Nonprofits fill a gap for offering arts and culture in local schools and beyond. They rely on philanthropic support.

    California nonprofits are stepping up to provide young people with arts education opportunities in light of the lack of arts funding and programming at schools. In Seaside, the multicultural organization Palenke Arts offers classes in a variety of dance, visual arts, and a Spanish book club that are accessible to many ages.

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  • Ancient seeds, new roots: Cherokee corn thrives at St. Edward's University's food forest

    A food forest at St. Edward’s University has cultivated two heirloom varieties of Cherokee corn, helping Cherokee peoples connect to their ancestors and agriculural history.

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  • El Campell: la antigua mansión del narco Franky que ahora busca nuevas vidas para mantener un uso social

    Poco a popo, el Fondo de Bienes Decomisados por tráfico ilícito de drogas, que el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas se creó en 2003, se han desviado los bienes confiscados a entidades con fines sociales. La asociación por la Salud Mental-Marina Alta es una de las organizaciones que se ha beneficiado hasta ahora.

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  • This Native-Led Group Is Bringing Solar Power to Tribal Lands

    Native Renewables, a Native- and women-led nonprofit, is bringing free, off-grid solar energy systems to homes in the Navajo and Hopi reservations that don’t have access to power. And it’s doing so by training local Indigenous peoples to work in the industry so they can reap the economic benefits of these careers instead of hiring out the work.

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  • Un lugar donde escapar del calor a menos de 10 minutos: cómo se tejió la red de "refugios climáticos" de Barcelona

    La red de refugios climáticos de Barcelona, que empezo en 2020 con 70 espacios, se ha convertido en un referente internacional para la protección de los ciudadanos ante el calor. En 2023, el 68% de los ciudadanos tuvieron un refugio climático a cinco minutos caminando desde su casa y el 98%, a diez minutos.

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  • All hands on deck — The social enterprise deploying young people to protect our seas

    A social enterprise that started in the Netherlands and is spreading to countries around the Celtic Sea is training young people to work in marine industries while restoring ocean biodiversity. The young trainees work on projects like marine mammal observation and planting seagrass.

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