Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Saving U.S. Climate and Environmental Data Before It Goes Away

    The Environmental Data and Governance Initiative, an international group of watchdog scientists, and a group of volunteers track and back up government data sets that have been altered or removed, including key tools that researchers and policymakers use to track which communities are most at risk from climate change and toxic hazards.

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  • These Cities Are Welcoming Immigrants With Municipal ID Programs

    Municipal ID programs such as IDNYC provide identification for residents who aren't able to access official government IDs, such as those who are undocumented or unhoused. The municipally-issued IDs make it easier for these residents to access local services and benefits and interact with officials, including law enforcement.

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  • Intergenerational care benefits children and seniors. Why is it still so rare?

    At intergenerational care facilities, early learning programs co-locate with senior homes, giving students and care residents plenty of opportunities to interact. Research shows this type of intergenerational program can have physical and cognitive benefits for both the adults and the children involved in them.

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  • This Outer Banks Resort Centered the Environment From the Start, and It Paid Off

    Due to its sustainable design, the Corolla Light Resort has seen far less seawater intrusion and damage to properties compared to other Outer Banks resorts, plus much healthier dune structures. With 450 privately owned and managed homes, over half of which are dedicated to vacationon rentals, coordinated limited development has led to some of the tallest dunes on the island and minimal erosion.

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  • After Helene, relief network takes the chaos out of giving

    A network of local organizations in North Carolina are supplying people impacted by Hurricane Helene with clothing that can keep them warm as winter arrives. They run clothing drives and then sort the donations to meet specific requests, which is more helpful than giving out boxes of random clothes.

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  • Fighting food insecurity with cooking classes

    Wimberly’s Roots, a community garden and kitchen located in one of Georgia's food deserts, has increased access to healthy food through their monthly cooking lessons and partnership with the Boys and Girls Club.

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  • Oriente Recicla: un referente de reciclaje en El Salvador

    La iniciativa Oriente Recicla, liderada por ciudadanos comprometidos y recicladores locales, ha logrado recuperar más de 246 toneladas de residuos desde su fundación en 2021.

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  • 'Fight for it to be better'

    The Capacity Collaborative and Thriving Earth Exchange are working together to establish volunteer community science hubs to support environmental justice projects in communities around the United States. The organizations connect communities with scientists and experts who volunteer their time to help move their projects forward.

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  • A Colorado Groundwater Experiment Tackles Urgent Conservation Needs

    Farmers in arid, drought-prone regions are creating groundwater conservation easements with nonprofits to reduce their water use in a financially feasible way. For these agreements, farmers reduce the acres they grow crops on in perpetuity in exchange for payment and tax benefits.

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  • Campus food forest fosters community, offers number of opportunities through regenerative agriculture

    A food forest uses a stack system in which all plants serve more than one purpose. At St. Edwards, the food forest is still young, but provides organic and locally produced food available for the entire community.

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