Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Trump Cuts Research Lab That Helped Nurture 'Mississippi Miracle'

    Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) are research centers that support states and school districts as they implement new practices, such as in Mississippi, where an REL helped the state train its teachers in the science of reading and successfully bring its fourth-grade reading proficiency scores from 49th in the nation to 29th. However, the federal government recently terminated all of its contracts with RELs, jeopardizing the future of programs already in progress.

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  • How to have better sex

    In an effort to combat cultural stigma, misinformation and harmful behaviors, several groups and individuals are emerging to teach women about sexual health, pleasure and overall wellness, particularly in rural areas where information is sparse.

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  • More Power

    The Youth and Environmental Advocacy Center, in collaboration with NXT Grid, built a solar-powered mini-grid in a rural area to connect community members with power, some of whom were being connected for the first time. Community members donated to help fund the project, resulting in 200 of the 262 structures in the area receiving electricity.

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  • Infectious Diseases Prevention: The Transformative Power of a Community-led Initiative in Lagos

    DRASA Health Trust trains community members to be health champions, teaching them skills to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases. Between March and April 2024, the group trained 2,089 people. As a result of their education initiatives, DRASA Health Trust saw a 43.2% increase in residents’ understanding of infectious diseases, as well as the implementation of prevention strategies and better hygiene protocols for both businesses and individuals.

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  • Early results suggest communities stop logging during basic income pilot project

    After two seasons, an unconditional cash-transfer pilot project for Indigenous peoples in Peru’s Amazon has resulted in a positive impact on families who, in the past, would turn to unsustainable or illegal forest activities as a response to economic stress and food insecurity. According to the pilot's latest internal assessment, three communities are no longer engaging in illegal forest activities to make ends meet.

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  • Cómo comunidades de Miami encontraron soluciones climáticas con un modelo de participación comunitaria

    Usando herramientas de ciencias sociales, como el "design thinking" y el "photovoice," más la participación de funcionarios del condado de Miami-Dade y socios locales, proyectos estan transformando la planificación de adaptación climática en Miami. acercando los datos, y empoderando a las comunidades en la toma de decisiones.

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  • Power to Improve

    To prevent utility poles from falling due to lack of maintenance, damaging homes and leaving residents without power, community members worked together to raise funds to build 18 new concrete poles without the help of any government entities or power companies.

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  • Sani Isla: A Kichwa community that found alternatives to oil in conservation and tourism

    The indigenous community of Sani Isla in Ecuador receives financial incentives for conserving thousands of hectares through the state-run Socio Bosque program. This economic support helps them sustain their ways of life, safeguard more of the environment, and showcase the area’s biodiversity to tourists.

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  • How Mexico's waste pickers are getting decent, green economy jobs

    GO SiKanda supports informal waste pickers in their efforts to professionalize, set up enterprises, and improve their communities’ waste management. To date, health and safety policies have developed, respect has grown, and wages have increased.

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  • In Yemen's Refugee Camps, Midwives Fight to Ensure Safe Deliveries

    In displacement camps where medical care is scarce, community midwives are working against the odds to provide safe OB-GYN care and deliveries. An individual midwife can see anywhere from 18 to 50 women a month who struggle to access basic maternal health services.

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