Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Volunteer Data Hoarders Resisting Trump's Purge

    After President Donald Trump’s administration began removing key research and datasets from government websites, archivists, librarians, and organizations banded together to form the Data Rescue Project, which is coordinating efforts to preserve vital information. The movement has recruited volunteers from a subreddit forum called r/DataHoarder that’s frequented by hobbyists with IT knowledge, and so far the project has cataloged more than 400 publicly available backups of government data compiled by volunteers.

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  • Trump Cuts Research Lab That Helped Nurture 'Mississippi Miracle'

    Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) are research centers that support states and school districts as they implement new practices, such as in Mississippi, where an REL helped the state train its teachers in the science of reading and successfully bring its fourth-grade reading proficiency scores from 49th in the nation to 29th. However, the federal government recently terminated all of its contracts with RELs, jeopardizing the future of programs already in progress.

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  • Neighbors Build Climate Resilience in Their Watersheds

    The Watershed Project works with residents to protect and restore landscapes that drain into waterways—creeks, rivers and ultimately—around the San Francisco Bay. Strong community outreach aims to connect people, the environment, and government agencies, municipalities, legal firms, and private and public investors.

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  • Where Art Thou, Rebuild?

    Philadelphia’s Rebuild project leveraged revenue from a new tax on soda along with philanthropic funding to renovate parks, recreation facilities, and libraries throughout the city. Because of its focus on equity, the program funneled roughly 20 percent more funding into disadvantaged areas compared to the city’s previous capital projects, but due to delays in the process and the level of repairs and renovation needed, the city was ultimately only able to tackle about half the number of Rebuild projects it originally projected.

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  • WA tribes crucial to salmon recovery, conservation throughout decades of work with state

    Widespread involvement of numerous relevant government bodies at the tribal, city, state and federal level has led to a number of conservation wins in the Pacific Northwest, reflecting the huge influence tribes in the state have had on how environmental issues and conservation work are framed and executed.

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  • How an Unlikely Coalition of Climate Activists and a Gas Utility Are Weaning a Boston Suburb Off Fossil Fuels

    In Boston, climate activists with HEET, a nonprofit that develops neighborhood-scale geothermal systems, worked closely with gas utility executives to find a solution to gas leaks and transition to cleaner energy sources. Making the case for switching to geothermal energy comes with its challenges, but their collaboration and advocacy led to the signing of legislation allowing gas utilities to provide geothermal heating and cooling as an alternative to gas throughout their service areas.

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  • With 'Giving Circles,' Anyone Can Be a Philanthropist

    Giving Circles allow average people to make a larger impact with their philanthropy by pooling donations from members for larger gifts to chosen causes and organizations. Between 2017 and 2023, there were nearly 4,000 of these groups in the United States, with total donations totaling $3.1 billion.

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  • How One City Cut Its Poverty Rate By More Than a Third

    Richmond’s Office of Community Wealth Building acts as a hub for connecting the city’s many anti-poverty programs and organizations, with partnerships that holistically tackle everything from job training and guaranteed income initiatives to community health programs. Since 2014, the city’s poverty rate has dropped from nearly 27 percent to 17.1 percent.

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  • Finding family services is hard. How South LA built a one-stop shop for people with young kids

    Partners for Children South L.A. brings together more than 40 organizations that work with families in need to make it easier for parents to get the services they’re seeking without having to go to multiple different providers before getting help. Over the past 10 years, the collaboration has served more than 10,000 families.

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  • As climate focus shifts to states, East Coast partnership offers model for multi-state collaboration

    The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, currently joined by 11 U.S. states on the East Coast, is a cap-and-invest system for power generation. States put a limit on the carbon emissions power plants can produce, then each plant buys allowances for every ton of carbon dioxide they produce up to the cap. The proceeds go towards initiatives that reduce emissions and make energy more affordable.

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