Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Feeding Cows Seaweed Could Cut Methane Emissions and Diversify Maine's Coastal Economy, but Can It Scale?

    Seaweed is emerging as a solution to Maine's shifting climate and economy, providing alternative industries for ocean farmers and also supporting land farmers' climate initiatives. While still in piloting stages, studies have shown up to 50 percent reductions in methane on New England cow farms that incorporate seaweed into feed.

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  • Ideas We Should Steal: Divest Fossil Fuels From City Pensions

    Following the success of New York City's divestment of pension funds from fossil fuels, a process that started in 2015, other cities around the US are exploring ways to achieve net-zero portfolio emissions. In most cases, the divested pension funds have performed at least as well financially as a city’s non-divested funds.

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  • As warming climate hammers coffee crops, this rare bean may someday be your brew

    Cultivating excelsa—a rare, climate-resistant coffee bean species—is helping farmers in South Sudan not only adapt to climate change, but also bolster economic opportunities.

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  • The Revival of Germany's Carbon-Sequestering Peatlands

    Various initiatives are restoring farmlands to peatlands, which is helping lower CO2 levels in agriculture and create markets for the native grasses, reeds and sedges that peatlands support.

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  • How GoFundMe Became a $250 Million Lifeline After the L.A. Fires

    Though not without certain flaws, GoFundMe has facilitated critical and rapid financial support for thousands of people. The company charges a 2.9 percent fee on all donations, as well as 30 cents for every transaction, to cover credit card and bank transaction fees, but its primary source of revenue is voluntary tips.

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  • Transforming the Delta

    The Next California project, a collaboration between AgLaunch and WWF, is helping transform the Mississippi Delta into a sustainable and prosperous agricultural economy. Working with local farmers across Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi, the organizations are helping agricultural operations incubate projects, diversify assets, and grow distribution networks.

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  • How Mexico's waste pickers are getting decent, green economy jobs

    GO SiKanda supports informal waste pickers in their efforts to professionalize, set up enterprises, and improve their communities’ waste management. To date, health and safety policies have developed, respect has grown, and wages have increased.

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  • Farmers Markets Can Be a Form of Climate Action. Here's How

    Farmers markets, supported by federal, state, and private food assistance programs, are helping to bridge gaps left by disparate food access by offering a direct distribution model.

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  • Southern Black Farmers Sow Rice and Reconciliation

    Jubilee Justice, a nonprofit helping small-holder Black farmers in the South grow specialty rice with a “dry-land” method developed in the 1970s and 1980s (rather than growing rice in flooded paddies, farmers treat rice like a vegetable, irrigating it as needed), now supports 10 farmers from Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Kentucky; together, they have lowered the global warming potential of their rice production by 25 percent on average.

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  • Nimble Electric Trucks Are Supercharging African Trade

    In Rwanda, a fleet of simple, efficient trucks is helping farmers get their harvest to market before the goods spoil. For one farmer renting space in one of the trucks, the improved market access enabled them to go from selling 400 to 4,000 kilograms of produce a week.

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