Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Fifth Vital Sign: Atlanta Doctors Are Talking Climate Change With Patients

    Doctors are leveraging trust built over time with patients to combat misinformation around climate change. The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health and its affiliates, including Georgia Clinicians for Climate Action, train healthcare providers on climate communication through fellowships, advocacy work, and educational materials to better equip them for these conversations.

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  • Infectious Diseases Prevention: The Transformative Power of a Community-led Initiative in Lagos

    DRASA Health Trust trains community members to be health champions, teaching them skills to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases. Between March and April 2024, the group trained 2,089 people. As a result of their education initiatives, DRASA Health Trust saw a 43.2% increase in residents’ understanding of infectious diseases, as well as the implementation of prevention strategies and better hygiene protocols for both businesses and individuals.

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  • How Baltimore Convinced Officers to Seek Help for Alcoholism and Depression

    In an effort to promote health and wellness and reduce instances of officer misconduct, the Baltimore Police Departmenr launched a program in 2018 that connects officers with counseling, substance use treatment and other mental and physical health supports. Over the course of the program, more than 250 officers have signed themselves into a voluntary, confidential alcohol addiction program and been able to keep working.

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  • A Free-Transit Prescription for Healthier Communities

    Kansas City is the largest U.S. city to adopt a zero-fare policy since its public bus system stopped charging riders in 2020. This policy change gives riders more financial flexibility and improves social and physical health outcomes as residents are walking more to get to bus stops and are also more connected to the community through increased access to transportation.

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  • Frontline health clinics adapt to climate challenges with assistance from a free resource

    The Climate Resilience for Frontline Clinics Toolkit was developed to help healthcare providers prepare for and respond to climate-related emergencies. The toolkit offers guidance on patient communication, disaster preparedness and environmental health risks. The toolkit was created in collaboration with Americares and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, with co-development from free clinics and community health centers serving low-income and uninsured patients.

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  • NC addiction treatment programs partner to reduce maternal deaths from substance use

    Six programs throughout the state, including the SUN Project and Project CARA, are working to provide support to pregnant mothers navigating a substance use disorder. With support from the North Carolina Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Network, the programs share best practices for treating perinatal substance use and expand access to treatment. Project CARA alone serves more than 200 patients each year.

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  • California Firefighters Use AI to Combat Growing Wildfire Threats

    The ALERT California system is a network of 1,000 cameras using machine learning to identify wildfires in remote, high-risk areas. When a fire is detected, the system sends an alert to operators and emergency responders monitoring the technology. AI helps detect fires sooner, improving firefighting efforts and improving disaster recovery.

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  • Texas Trees launches a five-year plan to make South Dallas more green

    The Texas Trees Foundation is bringing thousands of trees to Dallas communities experiencing the worst of the urban heat island effect to help keep them cool. The organization supplies the trees and teaches residents how to care for them.

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  • Building for the climate: How it's done in Switzerland

    A cooperative in Switzerland is building sustainable apartments using recycled materials and green building practices to create carbon-neutral communal living spaces. These “cluster apartments” cut down on living space per person and save energy.

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  • Abandoned 'ghost gear' kills sea life. A Myanmar nonprofit is turning the tide.

    The nonprofit Myanmar Ocean Project is working to raise awareness of and remove ghost gear, abandoned fishing gear that kills marine life, from the country’s waters. Volunteer drivers remove the gear from the water and create public awareness campaigns.

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