Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Building for the climate: How it's done in Switzerland

    A cooperative in Switzerland is building sustainable apartments using recycled materials and green building practices to create carbon-neutral communal living spaces. These “cluster apartments” cut down on living space per person and save energy.

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  • Abandoned 'ghost gear' kills sea life. A Myanmar nonprofit is turning the tide.

    The nonprofit Myanmar Ocean Project is working to raise awareness of and remove ghost gear, abandoned fishing gear that kills marine life, from the country’s waters. Volunteer drivers remove the gear from the water and create public awareness campaigns.

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  • Campus Food Recovery Network Serves Local Community

    Pepperdine University’s Food Recovery Network club rescues unconsumed food from events on campus and a local Starbucks and gives it to nonprofits in the area that distribute it to those in need. Since forming in the Fall 2016 semester, the club has rescued 14,603 pounds of food that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill.

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  • In Warsaw, Falling Road Deaths Signal a Traffic Safety Turnaround

    In an effort to reach Vision Zero, the Swedish safety strategy that aims to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, Warsaw has implemented measures that have dropped the number of road deaths by 55% over the last 10 years. Strategies like upgraded crosswalks, increased fines for lawbreaking drivers and the creation of roundabouts are just some of the methods that have helped make the roads safer, and the city plans to double its investment over the next four years.

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  • Una manera radical de abordar las inundaciones en Inglaterra: inundaciones estratégicas

    A los granjeros en la península de Steart se les pagaban unas 5000 libras por acre (unos 4000 metros cuadrados) para que cedieran sus tierras, permitiendo que aguas de las mareas inundaran la península. La marisma salada absorba el creciente volumen de agua que se hincha en las orillas del río Parrett y atrapa carbono.

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  • 'This is not luck. This is a systemic approach': These major US cities are trying to curb violent crime — and it's working

    Several cities across the U.S. are trying new methods to reduce violent crime. Some of these, like the “hotspot policing” effort in San Antonio that increases police visibility in areas that are statistically prone to violent crime, are working. The first part of San Antonio’s three-phase plan saw a 37% decrease in violent crime compared to the previous year.

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  • The 'Covid Cohort'

    After the pandemic left youth stunted academically and socially, several programs emerged to help prepare them for college and the working world. Kalamazoo Valley Community College’s Valley Advantage program is a three-week, state-funded program that allows incoming students to brush up on their academic and social skills. These “catch-up” programs pay students to participate, and an analysis of last year’s program shows participants achieved higher GPAs and reported increased self-confidence.

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  • Maternal Deaths Keep Increasing in Nigeria. Healthcare Services Still Remain Underfunded.

    Raise Foundation works to increase access to maternal healthcare by working with health centers that have ambulances donated for quick, easy use. The initiative has helped 230 expectant mothers since it started providing care to rural communities in 2017.

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  • Catching up with CAST, CSULB's crisis prevention workers

    The Campus Assessment & Stabilization Team (CAST) assists the University Police Department in mental health-related emergency and non-emergency calls, both on and off campus. CAST consists of a team of social workers who assist law enforcement in handling calls, particularly those where a person is experiencing an emotional crisis.

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  • One community at a time; the ReachOut response to malnutrition in Lagos

    Operated by The Neo Child Initiative, the ReachOut Project provides nutrional counseling and screening to parents and their children in underserved communities, free of charge. Since 2015, the ReachOut Project has supported 20,000 people across 10 communities in the state.

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