
Discovering What Works: Data and Evidence

Solutions Journalism Network

This is the third of three teaching collections on Discovering What Works in the field of social change. The stories here are about using data to guide and evaluate social change. In part 2 of this series, Rapid Results, we read a piece by David Bornstein that identified the use of data as an important component of what has made the 100-day challenge to end homelessness effective. In this collection, we explore further how efforts at social change can leverage data and evidence to their advantage.

The story by Victor Luckerson builds on the idea that the use of data and evidence can enhance the performance of nonprofit organizations, not just in transparency to donors, but also in their day-to-day work. The other stories address the ways in which data gathering and analysis form an important component in specific campaigns, including public health initiatives and the war on poverty. Finally, we see how crowdsourcing data collection can help us to observe otherwise elusive trends!

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