
Embracing the Power of Relationships

Solutions Journalism Network

What the solutions journalism stories in this collection all have in common is that they are about people building and leveraging human networks to solve social problems. We see that by building trust and personal relationships in a community, social entrepreneurs are able to create meaningful change. 

Building personal connections increases empathy. Read the story by David Bornstein to learn about how Roots of Empathy, an organization in Toronto, addresses the issue of bullying by fostering compassion in school-aged children. The story of tolerance and acceptance told in the article, Refugees Encounter a Foreign Word: Welcome, shows us that empathy can be contagious. The other stories in the collection support the idea that forces like positive peer pressure and social norming can create positive behavioral change.  

Building personal connections fosters resilience. Two of the articles in this collection deal with two very different approaches to mental health and depression. In another article, we learn about the Campaign for Female Education (Camfed), which empowers girls in rural areas of Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania, and Malawi by providing them with a network of support and mentoring.

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