
Story Type: Location Transformation

Solutions Journalism

Solutions Journalism Network

Woodstock, IL, USA


This collection features stories of the story type "location transformation". 

Locations highlighted in this story type may or may not be an overall “positive deviant,” but do offer important lessons. The question to answer here is: How did a place improve over time? A location transformation offers relevant info for comparable cities. 

In August 2014, Kaiser Health News and NPR published, “Wrestling With A Texas County’s Mental Health System,” which explains how Bexar County, Texas, dramatically revamped its approach to mental illness. The KHN piece is written by Jenny Gold. The top of the piece focuses heavily on the problem, with a few lines signaling that the situation is now vastly improved. 

The major change the county made, Gold explains, was having diverse departments in the city pool their funds together to build a “Restoration Center.” She goes on to explain how the center works, the teachable lessons it can offer, and its limitations.