Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Black and Hispanic Students Find Their Voice Through Civics Education in Sacramento

    Sacramento's Martin Luther King, Jr. Freedom Center offers a civics education program where students of color can learn about movements spearheaded by marginalized people, connect with like-minded peers interested in making change, and develop their voices as advocates. Students have gone on to intern at City Hall, advocate for issues like improved WiFi access and higher teacher pay, and even work for the center themselves.

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  • Gen Z is influencing the abortion debate — from TikTok

    Gen Z activists such as Olivia Julianna and Savannah Craven are using TikTok to spark discussions about abortion, driving conversations with short video snippets ranging from music videos to educational explainers about various political topics. Each creator has amassed hundreds of thousands of followers and their content has attracted attention and offers of collaboration from significant political players such as Gen Z for Change and Candace Owens.

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  • Moving Mississippi beyond Jim Crow one voter at a time

    Mississippi Votes has engaged tens of thousands of young voters as well as those who have not historically participated in the electoral process. The organization boosted their digital presence to reach younger voters, engaged people as young as 16 in different capacities, and has several paid fellowships to engage youth more intensively in conducting voter outreach, education, and registration. The organization has registered over 30,000 new voters since 2018.

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  • Good Talk

    The University of Pennsylvania created a Civil Dialogue Seminar to teach students how to communicate across political divides. The seminar, which is part of a growing civil dialogue movement taking place among Gen Z, includes social psychology curriculum to help students navigate difficult conversations with people they disagree with. Students participate in the Red and Blue Exchange, small group conversations about controversial topics, where they practice having conversations about issues that elicit strong responses. Students also investigate their own emotional responses with weekly journal reflections.

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  • California offers graduation honor to encourage active civic engagement

    The State Seal of Civic Engagement, which is affixed to high school diplomas, recognizes student civic participation. The program is intended to increase civic participation among youth and strengthen civics curriculum by making the learning more active instead of passive. Criteria for what qualifies for the seal varies and is meant to be inclusive and accessible. It ranges from high-level demonstrated knowledge in civics courses to participation in actual civic engagement projects. Several districts have partnered with a nonprofit that supplies “action civics” curriculum and teacher training.

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  • How Gen Z Is Fighting Back Against Big Tech

    A growing Generation Z movement is pushing back against social media companies and the pervasiveness of technology in young people’s lives, which can negatively impact mental health. LookUp is one organization that funds young people working to increase digital wellbeing. Funded initiatives include a youth summit that drew 1,200 people, apps that help people manage their social media usage and identify the connections to their wellbeing, and NoSo November, which urges young people to log off or delete all social media apps for the month of November as a group experience rather than an isolating one.

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  • Animation Films, Storybooks Spark Anti-corruption Interests Among Nigerian Children

    Step Up Nigeria’s "Catch Them Young Initiative" uses children’s storybooks and animated films to teach school children how to become anti-corruption ambassadors. The books, which have recently been adapted to animated films, address the dangers of corrupt practices like vote-buying and bribery. The organization not only distributes the books and films, but also trains teachers to give the lessons. Over 250 teachers have been trained and at least 20,000 children have received anti-corruption education materials.

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  • Why bother? Greater Cleveland's youth rise to the task of local civic engagement

    Cleveland high school students created, a website that centralizes information about local elections. A political alignment survey on the site assesses users’ opinions on important political issues to match them with local candidates. The group focuses outreach on drop-off voters, people who reliably vote in national elections but not local ones. These voters tend to be younger, on average, and cite a lack of information about local candidates and issues as the main reason for not voting. After creating the website, the group got a grant from Cleveland Votes to continue engaging young voters.

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  • This Nonprofit Eliminated a Simple Barrier Keeping New Orleans Teens From Their Summer Internships

    Onerous paperwork and required legal documents keep many youth - especially those not living with legal guardians - from taking part in city internships, so YouthForce NOLA worked with the city to pilot an internship program with fewer barriers. The streamlined application included workarounds for common issues, like allowing public school records to certify residency, accepting approval from non-legal guardians, and providing a checklist with exactly what records they need and how they can get them. The added support reduced anxiety among the youth and significantly increased retention in the internships.

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  • Washington School kids receive lesson on ‘Participatory Budgeting'

    Student leaders formed the Participatory Budget Committee at a Merced River School and ran the voting process for students decide which initiatives would be funded. The students had a budget of $5,000 to allocate and used actual county voting booths. The winning project was the modernization of campus restrooms. Students learned about participatory budgeting and brainstormed a set of four projects they felt were most needed at the school. They held regular meetings, highlighting the importance of civic involvement.

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